Inspired by Peaky Blinders, they curated an entire collection that needed to be captured in the iconic Peaky style. The client arranged the production and locations, and I had two days to complete the shoot. There was quite a bit of clothing to cover. In addition to the photos I'm showcasing here, some were specifically meant for a collection overview, which the client photographed themselves.
The models were amazing. Most of them were either fans of Peaky Blinders or the store itself, which led to an overwhelming response to the casting call. Every single one of them had the perfect look tough, authentic, and fitting the vibe of the shoot. They could have been family men or gangsters, striking just the right balance for this project.
Working with inexperienced models is always a bit of a puzzle. As a photographer, you end up demonstrating every pose and movement yourself. In hindsight, I should have photographed myself doing this ;), it would have made for some hilarious outtakes! It was all about thinking fast, directing quickly, adjusting rapidly, and adapting the lighting on the fly. Strangely enough, that's when the best shots come to life.
The challenge for me lay in working with inexperienced models while also managing the fast-paced nature of the shoot. The lighting, the haze, and the storytelling were all improvised on-site due to the tight schedule. Despite this, the raw photos turned out great, requiring minimal post-production. Next time, I’d definitely love to shoot something like this on film (analog).
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